Preparing food before freezing can save a lot of time. I personally like to spice and marinate food before storing it in the freezer. A question I often get is whether chicken can be marinated,...
There may not always be time to thaw a whole chicken or chicken pieces before cooking. You may even be tempted to add a dry rub or wet marinade to frozen chicken in order to save time. The...
Freezing food is a great way to save time in the kitchen. In fact, it can cut your kitchen prep time in half. But can you freeze fish that has already been seasoned or marinaded? Freezing fish...
Most people do not have access to fresh fish when cooking at home, and instead utilize the convenience of frozen fish. But when it comes to cooking frozen fish, the proper way to season it can be...
Freezing food is a convenient way to prolong the shelf life of food. Most people purchase food items in bulk and store the food in the freezer. Each food item has a specific amount of time that can...
Freezing vegetables isn't as uncommon as one might think. Many large-scale companies offer frozen vegetables as an alternative to fresh produce. This is an excellent alternative for those that reside...